The main part of the course will be organised in the University of Amsterdam Sciencepark building 904, located in the Watergraafsmeer quarter (East side of Amsterdam). For an overview of the quarter check the website. During the course you will also visit the LCAM microscopy labs of the Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI, west of Amsterdam) and University Medical Centre Amsterdam (AMC, south of Amsterdam).
UvA Sciencepark
Sciencepark 904
1000 BE Amsterdam
the Netherlands
During this course, the participants will stay at the hotel that has been arranged by the Course Organizers. Accommodation costs are included in the registration fee and are for a douple occupancy room. This year we have selected the Casa hotel as course hotel (for the hotel website click here).
Hotel Cassa is located near one of the most important transport hubs of Amsterdam: Train station Amsterdam-Amstel. From here you can quickly go by bus, metro tram or train to the three different course venues, but also to the city centre or Schiphol airport. From Amsterdam-Amstel bus #40 will take you directly within 15 minutes to the Sciencepark building.
Hotel Casa
+31(0)20 665 1171
Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC, Amsterdam\
The Netherlands
- Applications Opening
1 Dec 2023 - Youth Travel Fund Grants
13 Mar 2024 - Applications closing
13 Mar 2024 - Closing times: 23:59 (UTC+01:00)