Organizing Committee

Van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM)

The aim of the van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM) is to boost life sciences research where light microscopy plays a central role. LCAM is a collaboration between Faculty of Science (LCAM-FNWI) of the University of Amsterdam, the Academic Medical Centre (LCAM-AMC) and the Dutch Cancer Institute (LCAM-NKI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The staff of LCAM has the expertise, skills and experience to give professional support and coaching to researchers to use advanced microscopy for their research. LCAM has a complete range of microscopes, image analysis and data storage equipment to facilitate scientific research. LCAM translates biological problems into microscopical solutions.

In addition to support research in the life sciences research, LCAM organizes on a regular basis courses for users who are interested in applying fluorescence microscopy in their research. These courses are given at various levels, starting from high-school, bachelor and master student courses till basic and advanced courses for PhD students, postdocs and other experienced researchers.


FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for FEBS Advanced Courses.